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The usage of the term ‘you’ will be used to refer to the end client and the term ‘we’ will be used to refer the proprietor of the website TpgImmigrationServices throughout the whole set of terms and conditions. Make sure that you understand it completely and please raise queries if you have any doubt.
Any kind of usage of this website is supposed to done by strictly following the terms given below-
- This website uses cookies to monitor your activities on the website so that the best and the most suitable content and offers can be provided to you. In case you disagree with the policies related to cookies on this website, the personal information stored on the website can be used for third party usage.
- All the content published on the website is for the user’s knowledge about our services and to clarify all the doubts. Make sure that you do not copy these texts or images for commercial usage. The information, facts, and figures are subject to changes according to the time and the market conditions.
If anyone is found using this site for any scam, fraud or illegal activities, the company has the full right to sue them in legal court. Sometimes, the website may have some links that may lead you to other websites. We do not take any accountability of those websites and it’s up to the discretion of the audience to click on it or ignore it. In case of any mishaps, TpgImmigrationServices cannot be held accountable.
None of the third parties or TpgImmigrationServices take any responsibility for the accuracy of the facts and figures mentioned in the contents that can be seen on the website apart from the services, terms and conditions, privacy policy and other similar content. Any mistakes or inaccuracies will be rectified as soon as it can be, upon realization.
The layout, settings, design and content present on the website are not to be copied in any way. Copyright claims can be done by TpgImmigrationServices if anyone is found guilty of doing so. If done for personal use and not for any commercial benefit, the usage will not be restricted at all.
Fair usage policy
- You can copy/download the contents on the website to maintain personal records.
- If you are using the content of our website for non-commercial purposes, make sure that you give proper credits along with the link to our website.